Sunday 6 December 2015

Lips! Care for Lips!

It's a Lip Thing!

  • To get glass-smooth lips, brush them very gently with an old, soft toothbrush to exfoliate. Apply Petroleum jelly and allow it to soak in for 30 minutes or so.

  • The way to impeccable make up is through a lip  liner. Keep it handy at all times. Make sure it is the same colour as your lipstick. Outline your lips just over your lip's natural border, so they'll look slightly fuller and younger and then blend it. Lip liner acts as a magnet keeping your lipstick locked in place for long.

  • If you don't use a lip liner, apply a coat of lipstick and then blot with a tissue. Apply a second coat. Repeat for long lasting power. If you are a lady of leisure and have time on hand, get this right:  Blot lips by pressing a tissue over your lips gently with your fingers. Now, place a clean tissue over your lips. Dust translucent powder over the tissue with a powder brush. Finish by applying one last coat of lipstick and gently blot with another tissue. This application technique will dramatically increase your lipstick's stay on time!

  • Know your lipstick formula: Creamy, glossy formula contain plenty of emollient ingredients, which make them likely to smear off. matte or opaque formula contain fewer emollients , so they have more staying power.

Simple Tips to Loose Weight

Easy Eating

  • Avoid fried foods
  • Decrease consumption of items made from refined flour, like white bread, rumali rotis or biscuits.
  • Stay away from sugar in all forms, including honey, brown sugar and fruit juices.
  • Increase intake of fiber rich foods, like whole grains, beans and vegetables.
  • Incorporate a daily brisk walking into your schedule.
  • Drink vegetable juices made from cucumber, tomatoes and cabbage.
  • juices made from mint coriander and wheat germ are also energising.
  • Have at least two square meals in a day. Skipping meals is not advisable.
  • Avoid snacking. If you must , try almonds, peanuts or corn-on-the-cob.

Popular Diets

#NainiSetalvad demystifies some popular diets.


This popular diet belongs to the low carbohydrate plan. But this high proteine and high fat diet can lead to damaged kidneys, elevated blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol. It can also cause gout and constipation.


This diet advocates eating food according to your blood groups. For example, those with blood group B (negative) cannot eat tomatoes, wheat, moong dal and bananas. It is practically very hard to follow because it requires meticulous planning, to avoid a wide range of food groups. Besides, the blank ban on food types can cause vitamin deficiencies. 


This is a pure vegetarian diet which avoids animal and dairy products. It is tough to follow, when dairy products are an intrinsic part of Indian meals. More significantly, this can lead to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 deficiencies.



This diet avoids cereals and fruits, to concentrate on proteins. But the imbalance can lead to constipation, acidity and gout. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Eyes Bright

For Bright Eyes 


1 tbsp Aloe vera gel
2 tsp Cucumber peeled and grated
1/2 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp Chamomile tea


Steep the Chamomile tea in boiling water and leave it to cool. Blend Cucumber, Aloe vera gel and Honey in a mixture on low setting.
Add Chamomile tea and blend to smooth consistency.
Apply to the under eyes gently using your ring finger.

Store in a glass dish covered with a cling wrap and refrigerate (this can be stored for a week)

Best applied chilled, this helps reduce puffiness and cools and refreshes the under eye contours.

Treatments for your Foot!

While it is better to have these conditions checked by a professional, there are a few ways you can ease the pain at home.

Keep the area clean, dry and covered until they go away. Avoid putting pressure on them.

Soak your feet in warm soapy water for 10 mins and then rub the area with a pumice stone. The stone gets rid of the dead skin. Shoe pads also help relieve the pressure.

These are harder to get rid off. While corn pads and plasters might help relieve the pain temporarily, you need to see a chiropodist.

Foot note: 
Over-the-counter treatments don't treat the underlying foot disorder. Worse, they might also damage the surrounding healthy skin if used incorrectly. It's always best to seek professional medical advice.

For Supple Soles:

Mira Kulkarni, Director of Forest Essentials India, recommends, "the high maintenance luxury foot cream by Forest Essentials is super charged with skin softening and nourishing plants extracts and is ideally suited for a foot massage.
An ideal biweekly foot care routine would involve a foot soak to relax and soften the feet. Follow with a scrub with sea salts, crushed walnuts and essential oils to remove dead skin and exfoliate. Finish with a foot reflexology massage, which stimulates, cleanses and balances all organs of the body. Otherwise do a basic foot massage, where you massage around the ankle, pinching down the achilles tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heels. Support the foot by holding the heel and let the arch rest on the palm. Meanwhile, use the thumb of the other hand to firmly stroke from the ankle to between each of the toes."

Tulsi, Medically Speaking

Basil leaves (tulsi, which is actually the variety called 'holy basil') are aromatic and carminative. they have been used since ancient times in India to soothe sore throats and stomach upsets.

For sore throats, tummy upsets: Boil water with clean tulsi leaves and a little grated ginger. Add a spoonful of honey and a sprinkle of pepper. Sip this fragrant mixture as hot as possible.

You will feel better almost immediately.

For headaches: Chew on Basil leaves.

For Stress Headaches: Inhale dry powdered leaves for instant relief.

Basil seeds were believed to be a great antidote for warts and snake poison. You need to put a seed on the bite and Voila!

Monday 10 August 2015

Hair Colour Care

Colour Care!

  • Remember to deep condition your hair a few days before your colour treatment. It will help replenish lost moisture and keep your locks shiny and resilient. Hair gets damaged with chemical treatments, heat styling and environmental pollution.
  • Just before you go for the process, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo or a mix of vinegar and baking soda. This helps remove product build-up or sebaceous deposits.
  • If you have applied henna to your hair in the last year, avoid perming or using a chemical colour.
  • Avoid chlorine and salt water for a few days after you colour your hair; it can cause adverse reactions to your new colour.
  • Don't use hot water and don't shampoo your hair too often (wait two or three days between shampoo), if you want your colour to stay. Hot water opens up hair cuticles and allows pigments to escape. Wash with cool water to keep the dazzle in your colour. In fact, rinse with cool to cold water to close the hair cuticle and lock the colour.
  • Don't sun bath your hair; the colour can fade or change. Apply leave in conditioner with a sun protection factor to prevent UV rays from damaging the newly colored strands.
  • Don't change your colour too often (avoid extremes on the colour wheel) or combine it with perms or straightening agents.
  • Get decadent. Condition with olive oil and coconut oil if you have a coarse or thick hair; Use almond oil and sesame oil, if you have fine or thin hair.
  • To heal and moisturize hair that has weathered many a style storm and is consequently doin a break, split or tangle , try jojoba oil.
Colour appears different under fluorescent light than in natural sunlight (the reason why colourist ask you to see your hair in broad daylight).


Saturday 8 August 2015

Lips And Lipsticks!

All About Lips and Lipsticks:

Stop being a Sunday Sloth and get stylish in a trice. you can do it with a mere sweep of colorless gloss or pale shimmer. Forget the really dark pouts of winter. Trendy lips are natural, soft puckers of the palest pink or bright lollipop colors!

Pale skin: Wear Berry, Plum and Wine shades of lip color.

Olive skin: Try Orange, Reds and bright reds to look chick.

For glowing beach babe gorgeousness: Wear lips with only a pale golden tan.

For a fresh, young look: Use light glossy color. Begin applying gloss at the center of your lips to distribute it evenly. 

Want to add punch to your skin with a shade of Red? 
First coat your lips with a thin layer of foundation. outline your lips with a matching lip liner. Fill in the lips with a lip brush. To plump up on a dull, deary day: Go with a bright pink, Orangey Red and Shiny Red.

Five Lip Treats:

  • Revlon Ultra HD Lipsticks: Wax - free high-definition gel technology delivers true color clarity without the heavy feel. Clear gel base allows for a smoother, more even application vs a conventional lipstick .Weightless feel. Full color coverage in one coat .Irresistible scent of whipped vanilla and cream mango.
  • Lacquer Rouge Lipstick by Shiseido: A rich lipstick inspired by Japanese lacquer ware Offers intense color & deep gloss with just one coat of application Boasts a uniquely designed applicator that fits closely against the lips Ensures an even & comfortable application that does not bleed Corrects dry, rough or peeling lips with continued use Creates a satin, moist, radiant & glamorous pout.

So hit this season with a bash of colors and let me know your thoughts about this post and also let me know what you want to read in my next post. Thank you! have a great day :)

To get all the products mentioned above just click the highlighted link :) 

Monday 3 August 2015

Shoe Shopping Tips

Going Shoe Shopping? 

Take these tips along:

  • The best time to go is late afternoon. As the day progresses, your feet swell. This means slip-ons bought early in the might feel tight later.
  • Give your feet breathing space. Buy shoes with leather uppers. They also mould themselves around the foot to match its shape, making the shoes more comfortable to wear.
  • Wiggle your toes when you put on new shoes. If you cannot, don't buy them. You are likely to experience problems later.
  • Ensure at least 6 mm of space in front of the largest toe. Any less, and the constant contact with the shoe could damage your toe nails and skin.
  • Wear shoes with different heel heights on different days to maintain flexibility in the leg muscles. Wear high heels sparingly, as the body pressure falls on the toes. 
  • If the shoe is too tight and there is no option left for you, try putting little talcum powder on your feet before wearing the shoes. This will help the foot to glide in easily and will also prevent sweating.
  • Use a hair drier for making your tight shoes comfortable for you. Wear socks and put on your shoes, blow hair drier over your shoes for several minutes. And your tight shoes are ready for comfortable wear.  


For Dry Hands and Feet: DIY Lotion

A Lotion For Dry Hands and Feet:

  • 2 tsp Cocoa Butter

  • 2 tsp egg yolk

  • 2 tsp curds without whey

  • 2 tsp olive oil

  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice

  • 1 tsp lemon rind grated

  • 2 tsp sugar, dissolved in water

Blend all in a mixer, except the rind. Add the rind later.
Massage your hands and feet daily with this lotion for about minutes. It will soften them with regular use.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Pedicure at Home

A Step by Step Pedicure Guide to Hot Foot Forward

Step 1:
Fill a small tub or bucket with warm water. Add soothing, aromatic bath salts to it.
Step 2:
Before you dip your tired feet into this sweet smelling oasis, rid your toenails of any old nail polish with Sally Hansen Moisturizing Nail polish remover.

Step 3:
Sit back and relax with your favorite book or magazine. Or, shut your eyes and turn on some soulful music. Let your feet soak in this goodness for as long as you desire.

Step 4:
Pat your feet dry with a fluffy towel and then, using a small brush, gently buff each foot or use Scholl Express Pedi for best results. This helps remove the dead skin cells, leaving you with baby soft feet.

Step 5:
Massage a L'Occitane Shea Butter Foot cream into your feet, paying special attention to the rough spots.

Step 6:
With a nail file, gently push back your cuticles along the nail with a cuticle pusher. They should be supple due to soaking.

Step 7:
Apply a protective base coat to your nails even if you don't wish to paint them later. Besides adding a nice shine, a base coat helps strength the nails and avoids breakage.

Step 8:
Apply a new shade of nail polish only after the base coat has dried completely. Again, apply the second coat only after the first one has dried.

Step 9:
Add the finishing touch with a clear topcoat to add shine and protect the nail colour from chipping.

Step 10:
Wriggle your toes and admire your picture-perfect feet or slip on some sexy flip-flops and step out in style.

That's it! Step out in style and let me know about this post. and how did it work for you. subscribe and follow me on google plus for more interesting posts. Share and like the post on facebook and other social networks.
You will get all the above products in discounted price on  Thank you :)

Saturday 1 August 2015

Pedicure: care and treatment

Prevention is better:

  • Keep your feet clean. It keeps infections away. When you wash your feet, take particular care to dry between the toes.

  • Moisturize your feet everyday
  • Exercise tones up muscles, helps strengthen your arches and stimulates blood circulation.

  • Wear comfortable shoes and insoles when needed. Keep your feet up as much as possible when relaxing.

  • Keep a check on your weight. Heavier people put greater strain on their feet.

  • Massage your feet to improve blood circulation. And treat yourself to a regular pedicure. 

Friday 31 July 2015

Beauty Regime for Brides

Top-to-toe Care

  1. Start your beauty regime well in advance to avoid rashes and allergies.
  2. Waxing should be done from a qualified beautician and should be tried out 6 months in advance. Wax just two days prior to the wedding.
  3. Do not try a Detox programme just a week before the wedding. Start well in advance so that you can settle to a normal diet at least a week prior to the wedding.
  4. Get plenty of beauty sleep; make that more than 9 hours of good, undisturbed sleep. It is one of the cheapest beauty aids.
  5. Watch fun stuff on TV, like cartoon shows and laughter programmes. Sob stories and soap operas will make you cry and puff up your eyes.
  6. Do not load up your mind with unnecessary worries. Meditate and deep breathing to calm up your nerves.
  7. Take a break before the wedding. Do not work until the last minute
  8. Complete your trousseau shopping well in advance.
  9. Eat a lots of fruits and veggies to stay hydrated.
  10. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices or tender coconut. After which you must apply the following pack to your hair and scalp to keep your mind and soul fresh.
  • Take 1 cup fresh papaya pulp
  • 1/4 cup curry leaf juice
  • 1/4 cup fenugreek seed extract
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera pulp
  • 1/4 cup green apple juice
  • 1 cup curds
  • 4 drops rosemary essential oil
Reduce or increase the ingredient proportion according to the length of your hair. Apply the paste all over your hair and scalp and wash off after 20 minutes.

For Shiny Hair

Shiny Hair

  • Add the juice of one lemon to a cup of water. 
  • Apply to clean, damp hair. Rinse off thoroughly. 
  • Or, take the juice of one orange. 
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and equal amount of water to it. 
  • Apply this to clean, damp hair. 
  • Wash off thoroughly with warm water after 5-10 minutes.

The Goodness of Citrus Fruits

Brighten up a dull day with sunny citrus fruits that are filled with body loving Vitamin C and spirit lifting colour.

At the store:

Good Night Sleep Restoring Cream

 Here is an intensely moisturizing and calming treatment by Elezabeth Arden . Enriched with essential botanicals like aloe vera, bitter orange and lavender, it calms and comforts the skin and helps sooth the senses. It also helps the skin repair its appearance and recover from daytime damage to look and feel firmer and more resilient. Fine lines and wrinkles are softened and the skin is conditioned and fresher looking.

One step Facial Cleanser:

 This is Clarins first detoxifying cleanser with orange extracts, which removes makeup, cleanses and tones in one easy step. Very quick and easy to use, it does not need to be rinsed off which makes it an amazing travel companion.

At Home:

For oily Skin:

Add over ripe citrus fruits to your bath water. It gets rid of excess body oils and leaves you smelling like a fresh, summer's day!

For Open Pores:

Soak a ball of cotton in orange juice and apply over the area. Rinse with water and pat dry.

For Blemishes:

Mix equal parts of honey and orange juice and apply on the area. Rinse off after five minutes with warm water. Or, place a slice of lemon on the area for 10 minutes once a week, till the spot fades.

For Wrinkles:

Mix 2 tsp of orange juice, 1/2 tsp of lemon juice, a few drops of sweet almond oil and one egg white (beaten). Apply this mixture to your face and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For a Refreshed Look:

Mix one teaspoon curd and the juice from 1/4 orange. Smooth over your face. Keep on for 5 minutes, rinse off with warm water. Or, mix 1/4 cup salt with lemon juice and form a paste. Massage it into the skin, wash off thoroughly with warm water.

I hope this would really help to keep your skin looking great and moisturized for all seasons. Please leave on your comments and views about my blog and posts and how is it helping you with your skin problems. Your suggestions  are important! Thank you :) 

You can get the above products on

Thursday 30 July 2015

Beauty Tips: Face, Foot, Hair

Beauty Tips: Face, Foot, Hair

Bright Eyes:

Place a few cool strawberry slices under your eyes. Relax for 10 mins. Remove slices and moisturize.

Foot Refresher:

Feet can use a little help in summer, when sandals expose rough dead skin for all to see. This easy scrub helps slough it all away.
18 strawberries
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp kosher salt
Mix ingredients into a paste, massage well into feet. Rinse and dry.
or if you want to go for a drugstore product, apply Neutrogena Foot Cream on your foot and rough areas.

Sparkling Teeth:

Rub crushed fresh strawberry pulp directly on your teeth to clean and gently remove stains. You can do that with a mix of salt and lemon too if strawberries are not available. Or, dip your Panasonic Compact Sonic Toothbrush in the mix and gently massage into you teeth for best result.

Skin Cleanser:

1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp finely ground almonds
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Mix all the ingredients and massage gently on face. Rinse off with warm water.
or, Use Dermalogica Dermal Clay Cleanser


To get rid of dandruff, add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to warm olive oil. Massage gently into your scalp. Leave on for 15 mins. Shampoo your hair and scalp clean. 
One more tip, if you don't have time mix lemon juice in your Vichy Dercos Anti Dandruff shampoo and apply on your hair and wash off, you will get dandruff free hair instantly! 

Skin Care with a Citrus Twist!

For discolored elbows: cut a lemon in half and rub on each elbows. Wash off with water after 10 minutes. 

For rough and dry feet: in a small tub of water, add a cup of lemon juice, 2 tbsp olive oil and 1/2 cup milk. Soak your feet in it for 15 minutes and then rinse it with warm water. Do this once a week.

Soothing Skin Clarifier:

(For Blemished Skin)
Mix 1/4 tsp salt in half a cup of warm water. Dab a cotton ball in it and using a bit of pressure apply directly on blemishes for several minutes. Then, dab honey on the blemish with a cotton swab, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off and pat dry, do not rub your skin. or use Dermalogica Sebum Clearing Mask

A Hydrating Mask:

Mix 2 tbsp honey with a tbsp of egg white to make a mask. Apply on cleansed skin. Allow it to work for 10-15 minutes and chill.
Remember, skin as an all over affair, so don't stop at your face. Spread the mask on hands, shoulder, throat and even your legs and feet. After 20 minutes, wash off with cold or warm water. or use Temple Spa Moisturizer only on face and neck.

To get the products please click on the images or the highlighted links. Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Hair Splitends: Split Decision!

Recipe for Damaged Hair with Split Ends:

  • 1 cup of hibiscus leaf extract, sieved well .
  • 4 hibiscus flowers ground into paste (all stamens to be removed)
  • 1 cup of papaya pulp
  • 1/2 cup of fenugreek paste (should be soaked overnight)


Mix ingredients well and apply on the scalp, strands and ends of the hair. Tie your hair and leave it on for 10 mins. Wash off, taking care of gently remove residue of the leaf extracts.


Thursday 23 July 2015

Skin tips to clear up your complexion

Always dreamed of having a peaches and cream complexion but believed you'd never see the fantasy to mirror transformation? Here's the secrets to gorgeous glowing skin in any time. So say goodbye to dull, spotted, greasy skin with these snap-to-shine tips.


  • "The best way to get rid of tan is to apply loads of moisturizer, which contains alpha hydroxy acids".
  • "A good home remedy is to apply mashed papaya and bananas on your face. These contains enzymes that help reduce the tan".
  • "Boil tea leaves, strain and use the water to wash your face".
  • "A mix of milk powder, lemon juice, gram flour gets rid of dead skin cells''.
  • A monthly bleach is an option you can opt for but never leave it on your face for more than the recommended time.
  • "Crushed almonds with cucumber juice, aloe vera and yogurt works really well''.
  • Organic harvest Anti Tan Scrub really works for removing tan. You can get this product on the following link.


  • Sun block helps to even the skin tone.
  • Home made packs of fresh strawberry paste or lemon juice, cucumber and milk powder work too.
  • A skin polishing treatment using aluminium oxide crystals should be done professionally.
  • but if you want to do it at home then try a good quality micro debrasion treatment.


  • Use a soap free gel.
  • Put a tea tree oil in water and mildly steam your face once in four days.
  • Vitamin A helps shrink oil glands, so takeing these supplements for two months is a good option.
  • A face pack of multani mitti and yogurt is also good for oily skin as multani mitti tightens the skin and yogurt naturally bleaches and lightens the skin.
  • Another must is an astringent and toner. Cucumber juice acts as a great natural option.
  • If you cant use sunscreen Lacto Calamine lotion is a great alternative.


  • For dark circles you need to have your meals on time, less hours at computer, and have lots of water.
  • Cotton dipped in chilled tea or cold tea bags placed over the eyes acts as lightening agents for the eyes.
  • Try using milk powder, lemon juice , almond and cucumber juice as a face pack.
  • Vitamin C, folic acid and iron supplements are also needed.
  • Skin polishing can help but here the crystals used are much finer.
  • A little hydroquinone cream mixed with your moisturizer helps too.


  • Vitamins A, C and antioxidants can help reduce the problems.
  • A good massage, which works on the muscles in an anti-gravitational movements can get rid of the lines.


  • This problem can be genetic or could be caused due to certain cosmetics products that might not agree with your skin type.
  • Do not use products unless recommended by your dermatologist or unless the labels mention that it works for sensitive skin.
  • You should only use a medicated face wash.
  • Deworming tablets can also help,as they reduce skin sensitivity in tropical countries.
  • No matter what the product is a PATCH TEST is compulsory.
  • Use natural Aloe vera gel.
  • Avoid over exfoliation, It always triggers to other skin problems which lasts for months.
  • Forever living products Aloe Vera gel is one of the best Aloe Vera gel i have come across till now, highly recommended for sensitive skin.


  • Ointments that contains benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin and salicylic acid can be applied on the spots at night for a week. However it is not advisable to use it at day time, as exposure to sunlight may affect the skin.
  • Use oil free products.
  • A multani mitti face packs can help too. 
  • Following is a chemical peel and a facewash which is highly recommended for acne pimple prone skin. I have tried and tested these products and can swear by these products in your vanity. these are a true blessing for a flawless skin. Remember these products may dry your skin since they have salicylic acid in it, so, moisturizer is a complete must after a face wash.


  • Most people just use scrubs excessively to get rid of blackheads. but you should always keep your skin type in mind.
  • If you have a dry skin you should keep away from scrubs.
  • If you have a sensitive skin, you should use scrub only on the problematic area.
  • Oily skins can use it on the face.
  • An apricot scrub should never be used on face, though it is made for face, because it is too harsh for face and is better suited for body as a body scrub.
  • Use a scrub that has minute particles.
  • Tretinoin ointment at night can help get rid of blackheads and pimples.


  • This skin type should be thoroughly moisturized.
  • About 100 gm of evening prime rose oil capsules works well for this skin type.
  • Bathing with an oilatum emulsion , put in a bucket of water, leaves a nice moisturized film all over your body.
  • Egg yolk and milk cream forms a wonderful face pack which adds a healthy glow on your skin.
  • Use a face pack of banana and honey to hydrate your skin. 
    Please leave in your comments below how did you like this post and how did it help you and also add on some suggestions.  SUGGESTIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME :) have a great day! 

Thursday 16 July 2015

DIY Home Masks of Brightning Skin


The growing percentage of women dreaming to acquire a fairer complexion is giving a boom to the cosmetic world. people are coming up with millions of chemical based whiting creams which are chemicals and not natural. 

Avoide using harsh and expensive chemicals to lighten your skin tone, specially face! 
Try out these cost effective easy home made skin lightning remedies which will lighten and brighten your skin tone naturally. These remedies will boost hydration and glow thereby offering you gorgious looking skin. These are the perfect solution to get lighter, brighter, soft and moisturised skin.

Here are 3 simple to make face packs for skin lightning treatments at home. 

Walnut Scrub:
(Excellent exfoliator for ageing and mature skin, nourishes and brightens)

  1. 1/4 cup walnut powder slightly coarse
  2. 1/4 cup dry almond powder, slightly coarse
  3. 1/2 cup yoghurt
  4. 2tsp orange juice
Mix the two powders with yoghurt and orange juice. Use as face scrub and wash off.

Apple Nut Face Mask:
(Excellent for moisturising oily skin, helps in brightning the skin tone) 

  1. 2 tsp walnuts soaked and ground
  2. 1 medium size apple, round into a paste
  3. 2 tsp honey
  4. 1 tsp milk
Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face. Leave on till it dries and you feel a slight stretch on your face. Wash off with warm water.

Walnut Pack:
(Good for skin disorders, like Eczema. Also helps in lightning the blemishes)

  1. Walnut leaf paste or 2 tsp of walnut oil
  2. 4 tsp of oatmeal powder
  3. 2 tsp of milk powder
  4. 2 drops of tea tree oil
Mix all the ingredients and apply on affected parts twice daily.