Monday 10 August 2015

Hair Colour Care

Colour Care!

  • Remember to deep condition your hair a few days before your colour treatment. It will help replenish lost moisture and keep your locks shiny and resilient. Hair gets damaged with chemical treatments, heat styling and environmental pollution.
  • Just before you go for the process, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo or a mix of vinegar and baking soda. This helps remove product build-up or sebaceous deposits.
  • If you have applied henna to your hair in the last year, avoid perming or using a chemical colour.
  • Avoid chlorine and salt water for a few days after you colour your hair; it can cause adverse reactions to your new colour.
  • Don't use hot water and don't shampoo your hair too often (wait two or three days between shampoo), if you want your colour to stay. Hot water opens up hair cuticles and allows pigments to escape. Wash with cool water to keep the dazzle in your colour. In fact, rinse with cool to cold water to close the hair cuticle and lock the colour.
  • Don't sun bath your hair; the colour can fade or change. Apply leave in conditioner with a sun protection factor to prevent UV rays from damaging the newly colored strands.
  • Don't change your colour too often (avoid extremes on the colour wheel) or combine it with perms or straightening agents.
  • Get decadent. Condition with olive oil and coconut oil if you have a coarse or thick hair; Use almond oil and sesame oil, if you have fine or thin hair.
  • To heal and moisturize hair that has weathered many a style storm and is consequently doin a break, split or tangle , try jojoba oil.
Colour appears different under fluorescent light than in natural sunlight (the reason why colourist ask you to see your hair in broad daylight).


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