Thursday 3 December 2015

Tulsi, Medically Speaking

Basil leaves (tulsi, which is actually the variety called 'holy basil') are aromatic and carminative. they have been used since ancient times in India to soothe sore throats and stomach upsets.

For sore throats, tummy upsets: Boil water with clean tulsi leaves and a little grated ginger. Add a spoonful of honey and a sprinkle of pepper. Sip this fragrant mixture as hot as possible.

You will feel better almost immediately.

For headaches: Chew on Basil leaves.

For Stress Headaches: Inhale dry powdered leaves for instant relief.

Basil seeds were believed to be a great antidote for warts and snake poison. You need to put a seed on the bite and Voila!

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