Thursday 3 December 2015

Treatments for your Foot!

While it is better to have these conditions checked by a professional, there are a few ways you can ease the pain at home.

Keep the area clean, dry and covered until they go away. Avoid putting pressure on them.

Soak your feet in warm soapy water for 10 mins and then rub the area with a pumice stone. The stone gets rid of the dead skin. Shoe pads also help relieve the pressure.

These are harder to get rid off. While corn pads and plasters might help relieve the pain temporarily, you need to see a chiropodist.

Foot note: 
Over-the-counter treatments don't treat the underlying foot disorder. Worse, they might also damage the surrounding healthy skin if used incorrectly. It's always best to seek professional medical advice.

For Supple Soles:

Mira Kulkarni, Director of Forest Essentials India, recommends, "the high maintenance luxury foot cream by Forest Essentials is super charged with skin softening and nourishing plants extracts and is ideally suited for a foot massage.
An ideal biweekly foot care routine would involve a foot soak to relax and soften the feet. Follow with a scrub with sea salts, crushed walnuts and essential oils to remove dead skin and exfoliate. Finish with a foot reflexology massage, which stimulates, cleanses and balances all organs of the body. Otherwise do a basic foot massage, where you massage around the ankle, pinching down the achilles tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heels. Support the foot by holding the heel and let the arch rest on the palm. Meanwhile, use the thumb of the other hand to firmly stroke from the ankle to between each of the toes."

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