Thursday 16 July 2015

DIY Home Masks of Brightning Skin


The growing percentage of women dreaming to acquire a fairer complexion is giving a boom to the cosmetic world. people are coming up with millions of chemical based whiting creams which are chemicals and not natural. 

Avoide using harsh and expensive chemicals to lighten your skin tone, specially face! 
Try out these cost effective easy home made skin lightning remedies which will lighten and brighten your skin tone naturally. These remedies will boost hydration and glow thereby offering you gorgious looking skin. These are the perfect solution to get lighter, brighter, soft and moisturised skin.

Here are 3 simple to make face packs for skin lightning treatments at home. 

Walnut Scrub:
(Excellent exfoliator for ageing and mature skin, nourishes and brightens)

  1. 1/4 cup walnut powder slightly coarse
  2. 1/4 cup dry almond powder, slightly coarse
  3. 1/2 cup yoghurt
  4. 2tsp orange juice
Mix the two powders with yoghurt and orange juice. Use as face scrub and wash off.

Apple Nut Face Mask:
(Excellent for moisturising oily skin, helps in brightning the skin tone) 

  1. 2 tsp walnuts soaked and ground
  2. 1 medium size apple, round into a paste
  3. 2 tsp honey
  4. 1 tsp milk
Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face. Leave on till it dries and you feel a slight stretch on your face. Wash off with warm water.

Walnut Pack:
(Good for skin disorders, like Eczema. Also helps in lightning the blemishes)

  1. Walnut leaf paste or 2 tsp of walnut oil
  2. 4 tsp of oatmeal powder
  3. 2 tsp of milk powder
  4. 2 drops of tea tree oil
Mix all the ingredients and apply on affected parts twice daily.


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