Sunday 6 December 2015

Lips! Care for Lips!

It's a Lip Thing!

  • To get glass-smooth lips, brush them very gently with an old, soft toothbrush to exfoliate. Apply Petroleum jelly and allow it to soak in for 30 minutes or so.

  • The way to impeccable make up is through a lip  liner. Keep it handy at all times. Make sure it is the same colour as your lipstick. Outline your lips just over your lip's natural border, so they'll look slightly fuller and younger and then blend it. Lip liner acts as a magnet keeping your lipstick locked in place for long.

  • If you don't use a lip liner, apply a coat of lipstick and then blot with a tissue. Apply a second coat. Repeat for long lasting power. If you are a lady of leisure and have time on hand, get this right:  Blot lips by pressing a tissue over your lips gently with your fingers. Now, place a clean tissue over your lips. Dust translucent powder over the tissue with a powder brush. Finish by applying one last coat of lipstick and gently blot with another tissue. This application technique will dramatically increase your lipstick's stay on time!

  • Know your lipstick formula: Creamy, glossy formula contain plenty of emollient ingredients, which make them likely to smear off. matte or opaque formula contain fewer emollients , so they have more staying power.

Simple Tips to Loose Weight

Easy Eating

  • Avoid fried foods
  • Decrease consumption of items made from refined flour, like white bread, rumali rotis or biscuits.
  • Stay away from sugar in all forms, including honey, brown sugar and fruit juices.
  • Increase intake of fiber rich foods, like whole grains, beans and vegetables.
  • Incorporate a daily brisk walking into your schedule.
  • Drink vegetable juices made from cucumber, tomatoes and cabbage.
  • juices made from mint coriander and wheat germ are also energising.
  • Have at least two square meals in a day. Skipping meals is not advisable.
  • Avoid snacking. If you must , try almonds, peanuts or corn-on-the-cob.

Popular Diets

#NainiSetalvad demystifies some popular diets.


This popular diet belongs to the low carbohydrate plan. But this high proteine and high fat diet can lead to damaged kidneys, elevated blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol. It can also cause gout and constipation.


This diet advocates eating food according to your blood groups. For example, those with blood group B (negative) cannot eat tomatoes, wheat, moong dal and bananas. It is practically very hard to follow because it requires meticulous planning, to avoid a wide range of food groups. Besides, the blank ban on food types can cause vitamin deficiencies. 


This is a pure vegetarian diet which avoids animal and dairy products. It is tough to follow, when dairy products are an intrinsic part of Indian meals. More significantly, this can lead to Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 deficiencies.



This diet avoids cereals and fruits, to concentrate on proteins. But the imbalance can lead to constipation, acidity and gout. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Eyes Bright

For Bright Eyes 


1 tbsp Aloe vera gel
2 tsp Cucumber peeled and grated
1/2 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp Chamomile tea


Steep the Chamomile tea in boiling water and leave it to cool. Blend Cucumber, Aloe vera gel and Honey in a mixture on low setting.
Add Chamomile tea and blend to smooth consistency.
Apply to the under eyes gently using your ring finger.

Store in a glass dish covered with a cling wrap and refrigerate (this can be stored for a week)

Best applied chilled, this helps reduce puffiness and cools and refreshes the under eye contours.

Treatments for your Foot!

While it is better to have these conditions checked by a professional, there are a few ways you can ease the pain at home.

Keep the area clean, dry and covered until they go away. Avoid putting pressure on them.

Soak your feet in warm soapy water for 10 mins and then rub the area with a pumice stone. The stone gets rid of the dead skin. Shoe pads also help relieve the pressure.

These are harder to get rid off. While corn pads and plasters might help relieve the pain temporarily, you need to see a chiropodist.

Foot note: 
Over-the-counter treatments don't treat the underlying foot disorder. Worse, they might also damage the surrounding healthy skin if used incorrectly. It's always best to seek professional medical advice.

For Supple Soles:

Mira Kulkarni, Director of Forest Essentials India, recommends, "the high maintenance luxury foot cream by Forest Essentials is super charged with skin softening and nourishing plants extracts and is ideally suited for a foot massage.
An ideal biweekly foot care routine would involve a foot soak to relax and soften the feet. Follow with a scrub with sea salts, crushed walnuts and essential oils to remove dead skin and exfoliate. Finish with a foot reflexology massage, which stimulates, cleanses and balances all organs of the body. Otherwise do a basic foot massage, where you massage around the ankle, pinching down the achilles tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heels. Support the foot by holding the heel and let the arch rest on the palm. Meanwhile, use the thumb of the other hand to firmly stroke from the ankle to between each of the toes."

Tulsi, Medically Speaking

Basil leaves (tulsi, which is actually the variety called 'holy basil') are aromatic and carminative. they have been used since ancient times in India to soothe sore throats and stomach upsets.

For sore throats, tummy upsets: Boil water with clean tulsi leaves and a little grated ginger. Add a spoonful of honey and a sprinkle of pepper. Sip this fragrant mixture as hot as possible.

You will feel better almost immediately.

For headaches: Chew on Basil leaves.

For Stress Headaches: Inhale dry powdered leaves for instant relief.

Basil seeds were believed to be a great antidote for warts and snake poison. You need to put a seed on the bite and Voila!